Healthy Food Diet foods

Top 10 Healthy Breakfast Foods

healthy breakfast

Amid our busy lives, it is quite common to skip the morning breakfast. For some of us, it is generally breakfast-on-the-go. A packet of cookies or a quick sandwich is what most of us prefer but what we do not understand is how significant it is to start your morning with a healthy breakfast. Mornings are the most stressful hours of the day, which makes it all necessary for you to whip up a healthy breakfast. If you are confused about what to eat for breakfast, then we are here to help you out. Here is a list of the top 10 healthy breakfast foods that will keep you full and maintain a healthy weight.

When we sleep for 8 to 9 hours at night, our body does not stop functioning. It uses all the energy produced during the entire day. When we wake up the next morning, you must refuel your body. Starting your day with healthy diet foods can keep the level of concentration and energy high. Skipping breakfast will not just make you feel fatigued all through the day but also lead to cravings and overeating between the meals.

Here, we bring to you the top 10 healthy breakfast foods that are made with healthy ingredients. From spinach cakes, smoothies, uttapam, and wheat bread, we have got you covered with all healthy things. No unnecessary fats, refined flour, these healthy diet foods are made with fresh vegetables and fruits, protein-filled eggs and lentils, super-foods like mushrooms and oats, and healthy grains like ragi and bran.

Top 10 Healthy Breakfast Foods

Eggs- Eggs are unquestionably delicious and healthy. Several studies have shown that eating eggs for breakfast increases the feeling of fullness, lessens the intake of calories at the following meal, and helps in maintaining steady blood sugar and insulin level. In a study, men who ate eggs for breakfast felt fuller and consumed fewer calories during the rest of the day compared to those who ate a bagel.  Also, egg yolks consist of zeaxanthin and lutein. These antioxidants help avoid any kind of eye disorders like macular degeneration and cataracts. Eggs are the best source of choline, an important nutrient for liver and brain health. Though eggs are high in cholesterol, they do not increase cholesterol levels.

Consuming whole eggs may lessen the risk of heart disease by changing the shape of “bad” LDL cholesterol, raising “good” cholesterol, and enhancing insulin sensitivity. Three large eggs offer nearly 20 grams of high-quality protein. Eggs are versatile. For instance, hard-boiled eggs make an easy and quick breakfast that can be prepared in no time.

Overnight oats with berries and seeds- Oats are packed with vitamins, fiber, and minerals that promote good digestion, healthy cholesterol, and steady energy. Chia seeds add healthy fat, protein, and more fiber, whereas the berries contribute to your total intake of fruits. Overnight oats are great for super busy mornings as you can make them the previous night. You can just grab and go once you wake up.  

Whole wheat muffins- This is another healthy food in the list of top 10 healthy breakfast foods to have daily. Muffins are one of the popular breakfast items. For making this recipe, you will need wheat bran cereal, low-fat milk, whole wheat flour, and brown sugar. Mix everything and make a smooth batter. Most significantly, it replaces the fat with freshly prepared apple sauce.

Coffee- Many are confused about whether coffee will come under the category of healthy foods to eat every day or not. If you are also having the same confusion, then allow us to clear this confusion. Coffee is a great beverage to start your day. It has caffeine, which improves mood, mental performance, and alertness. Even with a small amount of caffeine, you can achieve all these. Studies have found that caffeine increases the metabolic and fat-burning rate. In a study, 100 mg of caffeine every day helped people burn an additional 79-150 calories over 24 hours. Moreover, coffee is rich in antioxidants, which lessens inflammation, safeguards the cells that protect your blood vessels, and reduces diabetes and the risk of liver disease.

Chia seeds- This is one of the top 10 healthy breakfast foods that are nutritious and is a good source of fiber. An ounce, i.e., 28 grams of chia seeds offers a remarkable 11 grams of fiber per serving. A part of the fiber in chia seeds is viscous fiber, which absorbs water, boosting the volume of food moving through your digestive system and helping you feel full.

In a study, people suffering from diabetes who ate chia seeds experienced less hunger along with positive changes in blood pressure and blood sugar. These are high in antioxidants, which safeguards your cells from unstable molecules known as free radical that is created during the process of metabolism.  In another study on people suffering from diabetes, chia seeds reduced the inflammatory marker CRP by nearly 40%. High CRP is a risk factor for heart disease. However, a serving of chia seeds offers just 4 grams of protein, which may not be sufficient for breakfast.

Bananas- Bananas are one of the common healthy foods to eat every day. The vitamin b6 and folate in bananas help in the production of serotonin, which improves mood and lessens anxiety. The soluble fiber in bananas helps reduce lower cholesterol by removing it from your GI tract and avoiding it from moving inside your bloodstream. For an additional boost in the heart, slice the bananas and have them with your morning oats mixed with walnuts or chia seeds.

Spinach- Whether you use it in an egg or a bowl of grain or add it to your go-to smoothie, spinach is the best option for breakfast. Mainly, there are few compounds in spinach that improve the heart’s condition by massaging your arteries and controls high cholesterol levels. Also, nitrates in spinach can keep the level of blood sugar low, mainly important for those who suffer from diabetes. Along with other whole grains and proteins, a serving of spinach adds a dash of essential vitamins- including 50% of Vitamin A regular consumption- to any breakfast.

Avocados- This fruit has a mix of heart-healthy fats, dietary fiber, and water. This unique combo improves feelings of fullness, making you less prone to overeat throughout the rest of the day. An avocado toast, which is filled with Vitamin B and minerals is a great breakfast. The unsaturated fats in avocado are linked to a decreased risk of heart diseases, lifestyle-related cancers, and diabetes.

Sweet potatoes- You will be surprised to know that a medium-sized sweet potato offers nearly 400% of your regular dose of vitamin A, the orange-flesh of sweet potato is rich in beta-carotene, which plays an important role in immunity. One sweet potato consists of 15% of our regular recommended intake of fiber, which can reduce LDL cholesterol levels and improve your GI health. Use sweet potato instead of your regular morning bread, muffin, or bagel.

Protein shake- Another way to start your day is with a smoothie or protein shake. Various types of protein powder can be used including egg, whey, pea protein, and soy. However, whey protein is absorbed quickly by our body. Studies have proved that whey offers several health benefits. Also, it seems to lessen appetite more than any other form of protein.

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