Food & Drinks Food for Health

Healthy & Nutritious Foods You Should Eat Everyday


Improving your diet can seem like a huge life goal, one that we often think needs rigid self-discipline and sacrifice. No cupcakes, pizzas, or any fizzy drinks. But it does not have to be necessarily that way. Sometimes making better decisions for your body can be about adding something, rather than raking away. This may build a more palatable choice for those looking for a healthy boost that feels like a bonus, rather than a burden. Thinking about what to add? Here, we bring to you a list of healthy foods to eat every day.

Superfoods are a bit of hype but also some of the healthiest foods you must eat every day. While there is no specific definition of a superfood, we consider them as multitaskers-foods filled with different disease-fighting nutrients and delivered deliciously. But there are a few super-healthy foods that are a little unusual and costly to fit into our regular diets or something like, say, sardines- that you would likely have occasionally. All of us must try new foods and remember, variety is important while following a healthy diet, but we bring to you the list of healthiest foods that are easy to include in your diet. After all, it does not matter how healthy a food is if you are not eating the right way.

The healthiest diets and foods focus on real whole food. Lots of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and proteins, and whole grains. Added sodium and sugar is restricted. There are a lot of good-for-you foods that are not included in this list like bananas, lentils, and beetroots, but this is a great place to include more healthy foods in your diet. So, let us start with the list of healthy diet foods that you must eat every day to keep yourself fit.

List of Healthy Foods to Eat Every day

Berries- Berries are a good source of fiber- an essential nutrient that most people do not get enough of. Fiber helps in keeping your digestive system healthy and in a working condition and is extremely good for your waistline and heart, as it is quite filling. All berries are healthy so make sure you mix everything. During the winter, when you do not get berries, you can have the frozen ones that are great for oatmeal and smoothies. Raspberries have a high amount of fiber, almost 8 grams per cup, and contain ellagic acid, a compound that has anti-cancer properties. A similar number of blueberries contains 4 grams of fiber but is packed with anthocyanins, essential antioxidants that help in keeping the memory sharp as we grow old. A cup of strawberries consists of 3 grams of fiber but a huge amount of skin-firming vitamin C.

Oats- This is one of the healthy breakfast foods, especially for those who want to reduce weight. Oatmeal keeps cholesterol in control, helps fight against heart diseases, and keeps you full for a long time. Thanks to the soluble fiber in it.  It is suggested to look for old-fashioned and street-cut varieties. If you are having oats for your breakfast, then drizzle olive oil on the cooked oats and sprinkle some Parmesan.

Sweet Potatoes- The best thing about sweet potatoes is that they are naturally sweet. Just steam the tubers, readies them for eating while preserving maximum nutritional value, but they are tasty when baked, boiled, or even stir-fried. Great sources of Vitamin B-6 and dietary fiber, sweet potatoes top the charts in Vitamin A concentration, providing up to 90 percent of one’s regularly recommended intake in a single serving.

Olives- Olives are not meant for martinis. They are a great source of Vitamin A and E, both of which protect the oils over the surface of your skin from radical damage, Olives strengthen connective tissues, enhancing skin tone and safeguarding against UV radiation. The rich monosaturated fat content is specifically helpful for the heart since it lessens the risk of atherosclerosis. i.e., a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries while increasing good HDL cholesterol.

Also, olives pack flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties and help lessen the risk of heart disease. And black or green, Kalamata or pimento-stuffed, they are quite tasty. 

Eggs- A great source of high-quality vegetarian protein, eggs might give your meal a strong power. One egg has nearly 70 calories and 6 grams of protein. Also, egg yolks contain zeaxanthin and lutein- two important antioxidants that are great for the eyes.

Spinach- These are one of the healthy foods to eat every day. Dark leafy greens are beneficial. Spinach is teeming with vital nutrients: Vitamins A, K, C, and some fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, and potassium.  Several studies have found that eating more greens, like spinach, can help you to reduce weight, lessen your risk of diabetes, keep your brain young, and help fight against cancer.

Nuts- What can nuts do to your body? They are filled with polyunsaturated magnesium and fats, two vital nutrients for the heart’s health. These nutrients may also protect against insulin resistance, which in turn can lead to diabetes. Antioxidant compounds found in nuts, including resveratrol and ellagic acid, can lessen the wear and tear on the body from free radicals. In turn, this reduces inflammation, which may reduce the risk of cancer.

Also, nuts offer insoluble fiber, which may help you to stay healthy by feeding useful gut bacteria. You can spread nut butter on a toast, grab a handful of nuts for a snack or you can even make your trail mix by combining your favorite nuts.

Yogurt- Yogurt consists of probiotics or “good bacteria” that help to keep our guts healthy. It is a great source of calcium. 1 cup of yogurt offer about half the recommended daily value of calcium and offers potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, vitamin B12, protein, and zinc.  Choose Greek yogurt for an even higher protein boost and whenever possible reach for the plain. Flavored yogurts tend to have too much sugar which adds calories without adding any nutrition.

Avocado- You will get about 20 percent of your regular dose of fiber in a half-cup serving of avocado, plus cholesterol-reducing monosaturated fats. For a side dish, have an avocado, drizzle some fresh lime juice and soy sauce, and add some toasted sesame seeds.

Oranges- The list of healthy foods to eat every day remains incomplete without mentioning oranges. They are an underrated fruit. But it is a great source of Vitamin C, just one huge orange or a cup of orange juice contains the right amount of dose for the full day. Vitamin C is important for producing white blood cells and antibodies that fight against infections. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps safeguard cells from free-radical damage and plays an important role in creating skin-firm collagen. Oranges are high in folate and fiber.

Walnuts- Walnuts are a great source of Omega- 3 fatty acids- fats that reduce the bad-for-you cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol in your body.

Soybeans- Whether consumed directly from their pods, mix into a grain-based dish, use as a topping in a salad, soybeans provide enormous health benefits, including complete plant-based proteins, minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients. The lean, a readily available protein source is not that costly, and you just need to consume a small amount to enjoy the nutritional benefits.

Do you know any other healthy foods that we must eat every day? If so, do let us know in the comment section.

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